Pronunciation Playground

Click on words and listen to the "correct" way to pronounce them.

Generated with Words to Pronunciation

acre πŸ”Š
actually πŸ”Š
anxious πŸ”Š
athena πŸ”Š
both πŸ”Š
comfortable πŸ”Š
data πŸ”Š
direct πŸ”Š
directly πŸ”Š
environment πŸ”Š
hour πŸ”Š vs our πŸ”Š
indices πŸ”Š
instances πŸ”Š
jewel πŸ”Š
jewelry πŸ”Š
manual πŸ”Š
moth πŸ”Š
muesli πŸ”Š
myth πŸ”Š
nutrients πŸ”Š
old πŸ”Š vs hold πŸ”Š
pour πŸ”Š
tomato πŸ”Š
tube πŸ”Š
whole πŸ”Š
work πŸ”Š
world πŸ”Š