Java: How to change the value of a private static final field
Previously I was working on a project with a lot of legacy code, one of my goals was to test parts of the “API”, in some cases I had to change the value of a “private static final” field.
I had to do this because this field was initialized by a JVM argument. It was initialized once when this class has been loaded, then it wasn’t modifiable anymore. Using basic Java code it’s impossible to change this value, you have to use Java Reflection API. Let’s imagine you want to modify the value of the following field:
// We won't test directly on Math.PI because it's a primitive var (double)
// => so the JVM inlined it
private static final Double PI = Double.valueOf(Math.PI);
This field is declared in the class “Test”, here is the method that let us modify this const variable :
public static void changePiValue(double newValue) {
Field myConstField = null;
try {
// Get "Field" instance of field "Test#PI"
myConstField = Test.class.getDeclaredField("PI");
// Change its visibility to "public"
// Get "Field" instance of "modifiers" field of "Math#PI"
// "modfiers" is a private int that describe the visibility of the field (see java.lang.reflect.Modifier class)
Field modifiersField = Field.class.getDeclaredField("modifiers");
// Change its visibility to "public" (this one is private, without that line we can't change its value)
// Remove the bit that describes the field as "final"
// sysout this to see the human-friendly modifiers of the field : Modifier.toString(myConstField.getModifiers())
modifiersField.setInt(myConstField, myConstField.getModifiers() & ~Modifier.FINAL);
// Set the new value into the field
myConstField.set(null, newValue);
} catch (Exception e) {
Here is the result when calling the above method:
System.out.println("Old: "+Test.PI); // ==> Old: 3.141592653589793
System.out.println("New: "+ Test.PI); // ==> New: 2.0
In general that’s not a good practice to use that kind of code, I had to use it because:
- I could not change the legacy code
- for unit testing purposes so no impact on real code
- I like to use the reflection API :)