Liferay 6: how to get web contents by category Sep 22, 2016 Below is the Java snippet to get the list of web contents which belong to a specific category. public List<JournalArticle> getArticlesByCategory(AssetCategory category) throws SystemException { // Build query AssetEntryQuery query = new AssetEntryQuery(); query.setAllCategoryIds(new long[] { category.getCategoryId() }); query.setExcludeZeroViewCount(false); // Run query List<AssetEntry> assets = AssetEntryLocalServiceUtil.getEntries(query); // Build result List<JournalArticle> result = new ArrayList<JournalArticle>(); for (AssetEntry asset : assets) { try { result.add(JournalArticleLocalServiceUtil.getLatestArticle(asset.getClassPK(), WorkflowConstants.STATUS_APPROVED)); } catch (PortalException ignored) { // happens if the asset has no JournalArticle associated ==> should not happen } } return result; }