Liferay 6 : Run a script (groovy, javascript, beanshell) using Java code
Liferay supports a lot of scripting languages: beanshell, javascript, groovy, python, ruby You can execute a script directly from Liferay administration panel or by calling a java method.
You can have access to the whole Liferay API and all API that are common to your application server (for example, classes that are put in tomcat lib/ext folder). For this you will have to pass the global classloader when executing the script.
In the following example we will execute the below Groovy script using Java.
Here is the Groovy script:
* Input parameters:
* PARAMETER_1 : String : simple string variable
* LOGGER : Log : Liferay logger
*/"Start execution of script my_groovy_script.groovy")
// Put try catch around the whole script if you want to ignore errors
try {
def result = "Hello " + PARAMETER_1
} catch (e) {
LOGGER.error("Exception during execution of script : "+e)
}"End of script my_groovy_script.groovy")
Next, Java snippet that will execute the previous Groovy script:
// Get Groovy script
String script = "... groovy script (file) as string ...";
// Input parameters : a simple map "String - whatever"
Map <String, Object> inputParams = new HashMap < > ();
inputParams.put("PARAMETER_1", "world !");
// You should use a proper logger so you could print some information during your script execution (avoid using standard output "out.println")
inputParams.put("LOGGER", LogFactoryUtil.getLog(ExecuteMyScript.class));
// Script execution
ScriptingUtil.exec(null, inputParams, "groovy", script, getClass().getClassLoader(),