Liferay: Add methods/constants to Velocity context
In your Velocity templates you may need to access some parts of your API / constants. Here is one simple way to do this (there are other ways).
Here are the steps:
- Create a class that extends
- Register this action in
- Enjoy!
1. Create a class that extends
This class should be put in a Liferay hook. This Action class will be executed by Liferay once your server has started.
In the below code snippet we add to velocity context:
- one Java object (use a singleton if it’s a util class) : instance of MyUtilClass
- one Java const called “MY_CONST” with the value “WORLD”
public void run(final HttpServletRequest request, final HttpServletResponse response) throws ActionException {
Map <String, Object> vmVariables = (Map <String, Object> ) request.getAttribute(WebKeys.VM_VARIABLES);
if (vmVariables == null) {
vmVariables = new HashMap <String, Object> ();
vmVariables.put("myUtilClass", getMyUtilClassWrapper());
vmVariables.put("MY_CONST", "WORLD");
request.setAttribute(WebKeys.VM_VARIABLES, vmVariables);
private static final MyUtilClass MY_UTIL_CLASS;
private static MyUtilClassWrapper getMyUtilClassWrapper() {
if (MY_UTIL_CLASS == null) {
MY_UTIL_CLASS = new MyUtilClass();
2. Register this action in
Then build & deploy your hook.
Liferay will execute this action in the class MainServlet, check Liferay source code if you want to have a better understanding of the logic.
3. Enjoy!
Now in your velocity templates you can use your Java object and your Java constant:
There are other ways to do it, I think that this one is the most simple one.