Spring - @Scheduled - How to get CRON next executions
Here is a simple snippet that let you know the next time your @Scheduled
annotated method will run.
// Sample for a @Scheduled(cron = "0 59 23 * * 7")
// seconds minutes hours day-of-month months day-of-week
String cronExpr = "0 59 23 * * 7";
CronSequenceGenerator cronTrigger = new CronSequenceGenerator(cronExpr);
Date exec1 = cronTrigger.next(new Date());
Date exec2 = cronTrigger.next(exec1);
System.out.println("Next execution: " + exec1);
System.out.println("Next execution: " + exec2);
Tested with Spring Boot 2.2.13.RELEASE
(Quartz version: 2.3.2